387 - Children of Sanchez

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About the Song

Written by Chuck Mangione.
Arranged by John Higgins, with percussion by Will Rapp.

Instrumentation Requirements

Every section should be well represented for this song to sound its best. Low brass is important for entrances at measures 5 and 53. Two trumpet soloists and a trombone/mellophone soloist are needed for measures 9 and 57, and a strong alto sax/mellophone section is needed for measures 33-41.


Measure 14 is in 2/4 time. The rest of the song is pretty straightforward.


From the beginning of the song until measure 13 the first two rows of the band jump up and down, with their feet on the ground for each beat. This is repeated later in the song for a similar part at measures 49 to 62. Also, during measures 33 to 41, anyone who is able to should swing an object over their head, usually a towel or a hat.


  • At measure 63, the conductor and any members of the band that feel so inclined traditionally yell "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2!" with the beat to fill in the significant empty space and ensure that everyone comes in at the right time.
  • This song was recorded by the band in 2001 as part of the "America's Pep Band" album.
  • Starting around 2005 but not really becoming tradition until the 2007-2008 season, it is customary for anyone not playing a saxophone to wave a hat, towel, or other item over their head from measures 33 to 41.
  • This song was played for the judges at the Uncle Sam Day Parade in North Troy during the 2006-2007 season.
  • This song was played with the Colgate Pep Band when they visited during the 2006-2007 season, and when the band visited them in the 2007-2008 season. We took the idea of jumping in the beginning/end of the song from them (starting in the 2007-2008 season), but Colgate only jumps for the first 4 measures of each of the times that we do it.
  • This song was played in April 2007 as part of the set list for the RMA Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Concert.

America's Pep Band (album)
Previous track Current track Next track
30. 25 or 6 to 4 31. Children of Sanchez 32. The Horse

Live from TSBMH 2007
Previous track Current track Next track
N/A 1. Children of Sanchez 2. Brown Derby Jump

Live in Québec 2008
Previous track Current track Next track
6. Carry On Wayward Son 7. Children of Sanchez 8. Paranoid