Rensselaer Union (building)

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The term Rensselaer Union has two meanings. It is both a building on RPI's campus and the term used to refer to the infrastructure which helps the student organizations with their day to day activities.

The Building

Rensselaer’s $9.3 million renovated student union, which features a campus-wide technology and telecommunications infrastructure that rivals many schools in the country, was dedicated September 2000.

The Rensselaer Union is one of the few student unions that is truly run by students. Student officials are elected each spring by the student body.

Popular stops on the lower level include the campus bookstore, the Games Room, several dining options including a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop (Rensselaer was the first college to have a Ben & Jerry’s on campus!) and the Rathskeller, a post office, and a branch of the HSBC bank.

The main level offers The McNeil Room, Starbucks & Freshens Café, a lounge where CNN is showing all day, another dining location and evening study area.

On the third floor, there are student government offices, the school newspaper's office, the offices of the Union Administrators, and a pub for those who are of legal age.

The Other Thing

(to be filled in later)