Talk:Van Surfing

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Revision as of 16:33, January 8, 2008 by Malins (talk | contribs)
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While it's a neat little tradition, and certainly a ton of fun, Van Surfing is "officially" frowned upon by the 'tute and the Union. With that in mind, perhaps this page should cease to exist, as it may backfire on the band much the way that dangerous Youtube or MySpace vidoes have done to people in the past. I know that they typically don't do anything about it - I mean, heck, we loaded something like 8 or 10 people into the van when we were packing up from Accepted Students day in 2003 and we were in plain sight right next to Public Safety and they said nothing. Call me old, but even with that event in mind, I'm wary of making such a permanent and public declaration of the tradition - and even more so of putting up photographic evidence. TrekMuse 13:28, January 8, 2008 (EST)

Make it a page that can be viewed only if you are logged in? Malinski 18:33, January 8, 2008 (EST)