Talk:Live from TSBMH 2008

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Revision as of 22:54, April 28, 2008 by Malins (talk | contribs)
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Not to spoil the fun, but I wouldn't distribute TSBMH recordings outside of Pep Band Members/Alumni. TSBMH officials/employees/volunteers/drones - like any professional recording/performance venue - are rather strict on forbidding any sort of recording: audio, video, or even just photos. Liscencing issues aside, it's the fact that venues consider a live recording a reflection upon not only the group, but the venue itself. And if the recording isn't done to their satisfaction, it reflects poorly on them and damages their reputation. For a place like TSBMH, this would be a HUGE deal. Granted, I'm out of the loop on things and RMA may have already saught permission for recordings (something which is definitely an option to pursue, at least occassionally - they're typically rather polite about things if you ask first), and granted it's rather difficult to enforce this after the fact since digital records are hard to guarantee destroyed, but I thought you guys should know. TrekMuse 17:13, April 28, 2008 (UTC)

  • We can check on this, but there was recording equipment set up at the hall for this year's concert so I'm assuming someone in the know got the green light from them. Gary 17:34, April 28, 2008 (UTC)
    • The RMA had permission from the TSBMH to record the concert this year. Trick trickster 17:53, April 28, 2008 (UTC)

The recording came out poor, except for the singing of the alma mater. I will make the recordings available for reference only. (The audio clipped terribly - I had the DAT recorder set wrong for the afternoon concert. The evening concert recording turned out great.) Malinski 05:53, April 29, 2008 (UTC)