409 - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye

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About this song

Written by Gary DeCarlo, Paul Leka, and Dale Frashuer.
Arranged by Paul Jennings.
Originally recorded by Steam.

Instrumentation requirements



In the past, members of the band would start playing the refrain to this song towards the end of a game (typically within the last two minutes) in which the Engineers have a substantial lead. In a sometimes daring move, other members of the band would join in, playing quietly while play is going on, which could potentially draw a pentalty against our team, and then continue playing the same refrain very loudly when play stops. When play resumes the band goes back to playing quietly. It is customary for some members of the band and the audience to wave "bye-bye" to the oposing team whilst this is going on. This act of bursting into this song somewhat spontaneously only works if it has been rehearsed a few times, and members informed of which measures to play. It is up to the person starting this song that they play it in the correct (written) key.