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I'm Natalie Semczuk STS/EMAC '10. I play flute in the band and am one of the current managers (07-08). You can get in contact with me by emailing me at semczukn AT gmail DOT com, on AIM (itmightbeNATALIE), or here on my user talk page. I'm just getting to learn how to use this thing, so sorry for any messy code/etc!

About Natalie and Other Facts

  • Instruments: Flute in band related groups, Violin in orchestra and chamber ensemble
  • Also play: Piccolo
  • Played Saxophone at one or two games last year
  • EMAC Portfolio

Goals for 2008-2009 season

  • (Summer) Put up new photos/scans on closet doors in 326
  • (Summer) Create some kind of Pep Band Archive for photos, Freakout gifts, etc. (Does something like this already exist?)
  • Break out the saxophone more often
  • Make a girly manager's jacket - I received a short sleeved RPI red blazer for Christmas one year and it would be perfect for this.

Favorite Songs

Least Favorite Songs

  • Gospel John - booooooring. It'd be fun to play the second half as written a few times at games to change things up.
  • Gonna Fly Now - uugh. Weird flute part, not enough actual notes to be interesting.
  • Eye Of The Tiger - same as above, but less weird, more whole notes.
  • I'm A Believer - LEAST FAVORITE SONG EVER! Too repetitive for me, among other complaints.
  • Hang on Sloopy - such a boring song to play.

Songs I'd Like To Play Again Sometime Soon

On Notice

  • Public Safety
  • The guy from Cornell
  • Your mom.