User talk:TrekMuse

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You'll probably want to mention the songs that you are thinking about arranging, as at least two of us and possibly as many as five of us are already working on arranging songs of our own It wouldn't make much sense for us to be arranging the same thing. Trick trickster 22:44, April 30, 2007 (EDT)

Good point. Once I get some time to sort myself out a little bit more, I'll add a brief list. I don't know protocol/convention, but I'm thinking I'll add a section on my page for arranging, break it up by cheers, game songs, and performance songs (eg: 165 - Jurrassic Park) and try to update progress. I would love to work with folks on some tunes. CPS Arranging has sat dormant far too long. TrekMuse 09:41, May 1, 2007 (EDT)

I agree that 208 is a great tune. It sounded good in Blast!. I thought we did a reasonably good job of reading it the one or two times we did. I think the pep band could play it, but I don't think it would be a good choice for any of our normal venues. Maybe if this "Pep Band in Concert" thing catches on, it would be good there. The major problem with it is that it's boring. It's boring to play (c'mon, the mello "melody" consist of 6 notes, then a 4 measure hold, repeated), and quite frankly, it's boring to listen to. So yeah, who knows... James 09:21, May 9, 2007 (EDT)

I can certainly see where it becomes boring. It's one of those tunes you have to do something with to prevent it from becoming monotonous. I've always wondered if we couldn't do something similar to Blast! where members of the band go out into the audience or something. But I think even that would do better with Pep Band in Concert. I like the concert idea as a once a year thing. Maybe TSBMH, maybe DCC 308. Honestly the week before I stepped down I was talking with Bob about reserving 308 for a night for that sort of thing. Could be fun ... TrekMuse 09:54, May 9, 2007 (EDT)


Unfortunately, you need sibelius (probably version 4) to view the scores I have posted. I could save them as midis, but they just don't sound or look as good that way. I can email you a copy of it if you'd like, you'll just need something to unzip the .rar. HLPXX 14:39, June 6, 2007 (EDT)

Saw the files on your webspace (should've checked that first) and you're right. Finale 2003 wasn't able to translate the files. Sibelius it is, then! Whenever you have the time, MartianOpus is my G-mail address. To say things at work are busy at present is an understatement, but I'll look it over as I'm able.TrekMuse 18:04, June 6, 2007 (EDT)